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Face Your Cadillac Fears and Reach New Heights—Literally

When's the last time you overcame a fear? It could be making that dreaded phone call, taking a leap of faith with a new job, or for my Pilates students, conquering the famous Cadillac day.

For those who may not be familiar with the Pilates Cadillac, also known as the Trapeze Table, it was created by Joseph Pilates in the early to mid-20th century. This piece of equipment complements the Pilates method and became an essential component of Pilates studios all over the world, following the Reformer. It offers so much versatility and opportunities for fun and exciting exercises and is a really wonderful tool for those who are new to Pilates as well as seasoned veterans.

During Pilates teacher training, we spend an entire day working on this piece of equipment, hence why we call it Cadillac day.

Why is Cadillac day so famous in the Pilates community?

Well, it’s because there are fears that often arise when facing the Cadillac. And let’s be honest, for those who’ve never used it, it can look a little scary. When my students walk into the room on Cadillac day, I always hear the same things:

“Lia, the Cadillac videos seem crazy?!”

“Do I have to go upside down?”

“Are we going to have to teach these exercises to our students?”

All of their questions and concerns typically stem from these fears:

1. Fear of heights: The elevated platform and straps may make you feel like you're up high (much higher than you actually are) and completely out of your comfort zone.

2. Fear of falling: When suspended in the air, it's totally normal to worry about falling off the equipment.

3. Lack of familiarity: There’s a good chance many students have never experienced anything like the Cadillac before. And with its various attachments and components, it can be overwhelming for newcomers.

4. Physical limitations: For clients with physical limitations or injuries, the Cadillac might initially seem daunting. However, the Cadillac serves as an excellent apparatus for these clients for several reasons. Its elevated design makes it more accessible for them to get on and off the machine, especially if they have some trouble getting on and off the ground. Inspired by clinical settings like physical therapy and doctors' offices, the Cadillac features a comfortable mat that provides extra support for the spine, whether one is lying supine on their back, seated, or prone on their abdomen. The versatility of the apparatus, with all its bells and whistles, allows for different exercises and positions, catering not only to individuals with specific conditions but also to beginners and advanced practitioners.

All of these fears are often seeded in uncertainty, but I always assure my students that as their teacher, I’m there for them every step of the way. I provide support and proper tactile cues, we take things slow, and they never have to do anything they are uncomfortable with. I’m with them from the beginning to the very end, offering modifications and preparing them to work with their own clients, whether they're beginners or advanced.

During the most recent Cadillac day,

I saw the same initial reactions from everyone— the apprehension, the questions, the doubts. In fact, when the students arrived, I didn’t just ask them how they were doing, I specifically asked what emotions came up when they watched the videos, reviewed the manual, and saw the Cadillac in person. They all expressed that they felt a mix of emotions—scared, excited, anxious, and curious.

But as our day together progressed, something beautiful happened. One by one, everyone wanted to try the things they were initially afraid of. It was incredible to witness the transformation as fear gave way to confidence! When I asked how they were feeling after class, they all said that they felt great, prepared, empowered and that they actually had so much fun.

While some of my students may not look forward to Cadillac day, in many ways, I do. I cherish watching all of my students face their fears head-on. They walk in unsure and nervous, but they leave having conquered new heights (both physically and mentally). We laugh, learn, and grow together as a group, and that's why Cadillac day is one of my absolute favorite days as a teacher!

Cheers to embracing your fears and soaring to new heights!

Are you a Pilates teacher looking to expand your teaching skills while deepening your knowledge of the practice?

Connect with me to learn about my specialized one-on-one post graduate mentoring programs! Over the course of the program, you will be guided through an in-depth study of personal development as you step into the role of instructor.

Schedule a complimentary connection call with us HERE—I can’t wait to hear from you! 😊

With love,
