wel•lam | wellness through length & movement

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3 Tips & Movement Tricks For Working at Home (or in the Office) Pain-Free

Do you feel achy when you get up after that 2nd, 3rd or 4th Zoom call? Have you been working from home for months or even years now? Are you using your couch as your desk? Or dare I ask…your bed? 

Did you choose a more elegant looking desk chair that fits your aesthetic instead of an ergonomically beneficial option? 

Have you noticed when you’re deep into your work at the computer, you get closer and closer to the screen, leaving you feeling more slumped and pulled away from the back of your chair?

First, know that you are not alone…

Second, also know that even if you don’t work from home, you may be feeling this achiness in the office! Not all desks and chairs provided by companies are the best for our bodies.

So I’m here to share a few tips and movement tricks to help alleviate some of the achiness that comes with long periods of sitting (or standing!).

Using these tips and tricks daily will not only result in open hips, chest, and shoulders to allow for better posture while sitting at your workspace, but they’ll act as intentional breaks throughout the day that will help reduce stress (which we all know is important for our overall well-being).

Grab your desk chair and let’s get started! 

Breath Breaks

Why breath breaks, you ask? A day at work can be stressful (we’ve all been there), and taking breath breaks throughout your day can be extremely beneficial to recenter yourself, minimize stress, and approach your work with a refreshed mind.

1. Roll your desk chair back (if you don’t have a chair with wheels, simply scootch your chair away from your desk).

2. Sit tall.

3. Place your hands on your ribcage and relax your shoulders.

4. Inhale and expand your ribs and lungs.

5. Exhale and close your ribs.

6. Repeat for 6-8 breaths.

Pro tip: Take a few breath breaks a day to feel more relaxed. There is truly no limit to how many breath breaks you can take throughout the day!

Pelvic Rocks

Pelvic rocks offer some fantastic benefits. They're all about enhancing pelvic mobility and can help align your pelvis and spine, resulting in improved posture. And hey, let's not forget the increased body awareness you’ll gain, allowing you to feel more connected with yourself. So, why not give pelvic rocks a try?

1. Sit with your back against your chair.

2. Place hands on your hip points.

3. Tilt your pelvis forward, while keeping your torso still.

4. Hold for a moment.

5. Come back up to a tall seated position.

6. Repeat for 8-10 cycles.

Pro tip: You can also practice these standing or lying on your back on the floor. Try both ways to find which works best for you!

Side Bend

Side bending movements can be really beneficial as they help improve the flexibility and mobility of your spine, which in turn, allows you to experience greater freedom of movement. Additionally, these motions are great for encouraging the natural movement of your diaphragm, helping to stimulate deep breathing patterns and potentially leading to better respiratory function.

Let’s try one!

1. Sit tall in your chair.

2. Make sure your head, shoulders, and hips are all aligned.

3. Lower one hand to the side of the chair.

4. Inhale and lift the opposite arm alongside your ear.

5. Exhale and reach over.

6. Switch to the other side.

7. Repeat for 8-10 cycles.

Pro tip: Try this standing to feel more length out of your hip (this is my favorite way to practice this stretch!).

Want more tips and movement tricks? 

Download the full guide HERE for more ways to get a little space away from your desk AND space in your body! 

Need more support?

I offer private and semi-private sessions where you will develop practices to restore and maintain your mind-body connection and overall well-being. Interested in private or semi-private sessions? I’d love to talk to you! See below on how to book a call to connect 🙂.

Do you want to learn more about Pilates or Yoga Therapy?

Your first step is to book a connection call HERE. During this connection call, I’ll answer any questions you may have and we will determine if Pilates or Yoga Therapy is the right journey for you!

Talk to you soon!
